Tuesday, September 7, 2010

FAA License

So tomorrow I’m going to get my final paperwork for my FAA Airframe and Powerplant license. Monday I’m going to Nashville, TN for the course at Baker’s school of aeronautics. Then hopefully I’ll finish the course by the 20th, when I start my job at Emerald Coast Aviation, working phase dock for Hurlburt’s 130’s. Good times. I’ve been applying to civilian companies hoping to get started on my IA (inspection authorization) rating so I can do more inspecting/qa work, mainly just to get more on the civilian side.

What I find significant about all this is that the A/P course completion is the civilian equivalent to an Air Force 7-level. So in two weeks, I’ll be a 7-level, without being bound by an enlistment, without having to wear a uniform, without having to worry about my personal life being smeared all over my workplace, without having to go through ALS, without worrying about having to deploy, without ever being on 12’s, or not being paid for it at least. Needless to say, I’m excited. :-)


Devia Noctis by Van Driessen

So I was depressed one day, and I sat down to write a song. I had two themes in mind, I wanted it to be like 20 minutes long, like an entire piece, but I could only do so much before I fell asleap and lost the mood. The recording was put together in a hurry, and eventually I will finish it. Basically, as it is, it just sort of re-creates the mood I was in at the time. I'm better with conveying emotion over music than I am with words. Anyways, here it is:
Devia Noctis by Van Driessen

I will always love you